Feedback from residents in the area of 136th Street and Cyntheanne Road shows they want a tract of land near 136th Street and Cyntheanne Road to be developed commercially, particularly with a grocery store. However, Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness says there may be limits on what can be commercially developed in that area.
The city staff conducted a virtual meeting with residents, drawing about 100 initial participants and about 300 watching the video at a later time. Planning and Zoning Director Megan Vukusich told council members in a Monday work session that the overwhelming preference for residents in the area is to have a grocery story constructed, but a fitness center was also a popular choice.
Fadness said just one corner of this land could accommodate 325,000 square feet of commercial space. “That’s an enormous amount of commercial space.” Fadness told councilors. All four corners of that land would encompass 1.2 million square feet of commercial development.
“It is not likely (a developer) is going to build 1.5-1.6 million square feet of commercial in this corridor,” the mayor said.
Councilor Pete Peterson said the area could not sustain that much commercial development at this time, perhaps only a grocery store.
136th Street is slated to to widened in the next two years, according to Fadness. That area is near Interstate 69, but there are no prospects at this time for an interchange to be constructed in that area, the mayor indicated.
As to the possibility of a grocery store coming to the area of 136th & Cyntheanne, the grocers are sophisticated in their decision-making on where to build their stores, according to Fadness. He says there are grocery chains “sniffing around the general area,” but this area may be too far east for those companies.