Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) Schools have been asking the community for help in boosting the cadre of substitute teachers. Administrators say the public has been responding.
Kim Lippe, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, told the school board Wednesday night the district has 383 general substitute teachers, with 9 new ones added just this week.
“We’re receiving a lot of calls and interest and people trying to get processed to sub in our buildings,” Lippe told the board. “Our data is trending in the right direction.”
Also, Superintendent Yvonne Stokes said HSE is following the COVID guidance provided by the Indiana Department of Education and the Indiana Department of Health. HSE Schools have a mask requirement in place that would not be relaxed until Hamilton County is out of the Red (highest risk) COVID category for 2 weeks. Hamilton County is in the Red, as are all Indiana counties at this time.
Stokes also said the district is easing the burden on teachers by not requiring Professional Learning Committee (PLC) meetings and other meetings to ease the burden while so many teachers are covering classes with no substitute teachers available. Administrators will revisit that decision on February 14th, according to Dr. Stokes.
Board Vice President Sarah Donsbach chaired the board session. Board President Julie Chambers attended the meeting remotely.