Julie Chambers assumed the gavel as President of the Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School Board Wednesday night, but there was some controversy over the other officers.
The first slate of officers proposed had Ms. Chambers as President, Sarah Donsbach Vice President and previous Board President Janet Pritchett as Secretary. Then another officer slate was presented – it kept Ms. Chambers as President, but had Suzanne Thomas as Vice President and Brad Boyer as Secretary.
After some discussion, the board decided to initailly vote on the first slate, and that passed on a vote of 5-2, with Suzanne Thomas and Brad Boyer voting no.
So, when all was said and done, here are the HSE School Board officers for 2022:
President – Julie Chambers
Vice President – Sarah Donsbach
Secretary – Janet Pritchett
Sarah Donsbach could not attend the meeting in person, but joined and voted virtually.