For more than four years, I had partnership with the Hamilton County Reporter. Once of the great benefits of that relationship was the opportunity for me to regularly read the work of the newspaper’s Sports Editor, Richie Hall.
I spent over 14 years working in the media, many of those years covering high school and small college sports. I have first hand knowledge of how much work goes into producing a good local sports product.
Richie is one of the hardest working sports reporters/editors I have ever known. He virtually handles the entire local sports section of the Reporter single-handedly, with some able support of good photographers.
I always knew that if Richie was at the game, I would get a high quality report. Even if not there in person, he found a way to obtain a good account of the game and wrote a good story.
I recall a podcast recorded with Richie when the pandemic virtually stopped athletic contests. He struggled, but always found compelling stories to write about local athletes.
Although Reporter Publisher Jeff Jellison and I mutually agreed to end our news-gathering partnership, I continue to read Richie’s sports section. How he manages to do it is beyond me. He just works hard.
I mention all this because Richie has received a well deserved honor – an induction into the Hamilton County Basketball Hall of Fame. If any sports journalist is entitled to such recognition, it is Richie Hall.
The work done by Richie Hall exemplifies the importance of keeping local news alive. I would recommend you subscribe to the Hamilton County Reporter and all other local news sources. Only with these subscriptions and advertiser support will local news & sports coverage remain viable.
Congratulations, Richie! You have earned this honor.