Mayor Fadness says a final goodbye to retired City Councilor David George

Mayor Fadness presents retired City Council
Member David George receives a commemoration of his service to Fishers

Mayor Scott Fadness was out of town working on an economic development project and missed the October City Council session, the final meeting for Councilman David George.  He resigned his seat and David Giffel was selected by a Republican party caucus to finn-in the remainder of Mr. George’s term

The mayor asked David George to return once more time to City Hall for a council meeting so Fadness could present a small commemoration of Mr. George’s long service to Fishers.

Mayor Fadness pointed to the way the councilman was involved in the development of Fishers, which has led to a $1 billion total investment here.

“He was a staunch advocate for his constituents and his neighborhood,” Fadness told the City Council.  “He always, always cared about our employees.”

David George was the longest-serving council member, going back to the days of Fishers as a town.  He was a council member for 19 years.