Masks remain required in Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) Schools, but that may be changing.
“We are planning to go mask optional for second semester, I want parents to know that,” says HSE Schools Superintendent Yvonne Stokes. She plans to consult with the teachers next week on those plans and expects to utilize metrics in monitoring the situation within each HSE school building.
It is possible that the district could reimpose a mask mandate in an individual building, based on the metrics for that building.
Stokes says the school board will consider the “Return to In-Person Instruction Plan” at the December 8 board session where public comment will be available for that agenda item.
Parents will not be required to vaccinate their children in order to attend HSE Schools, but unvaccinated students will be subject to additional protocols, according to Superintendent Stokes. Also, it will take several weeks for students receiving the vaccination to become fully vaccinated.
The district is having challenges with support staff, as are many local schools in the area. Even among substitute teachers, only about 10% of the sub pool is willing to work under the present conditions of COVID. To respond to that and a need for support staff in general, the district will host a Hiring Fair, Thursday, December 9, 4-7pm, at the Fishers High School College and Career Academy (CCA). HSE will be seeking applicants for substitute teachers, instructional assistants, remediation staff, bus drivers, and food service workers.