A few thoughts on David George & his possible successor

The announcement Sunday evening that the longest-serving council member in Fishers, David George, was resigning from his city council seat, was a surprise to many.  Here are some of my thoughts on covering Mr. George as a reporter, and on one candidate that plans to put his hat in the ring to succeed him.

During my 14 years working in the broadcasting business, I worked around a number of engineers.  One thing I discovered quickly is that engineers often look at problems and solutions differently than others.  I found that to be a good thing.

On both the town council, and later the city council, David George, an engineer, was often the one with a different analysis and take on any vote.  He always explained why he was voting, particularly if his vote was no.

One example of David’s dedication to council responsibilities came on the vote over a rezone of the proposed Cumberland Cottages housing development, planned for an area just south of 141st on Cumberland Road.  The local housing nonprofit HAND is handling that project.

As council members explained their positions, the vote count was 4 in favor & 4 against.  David George was the ninth and deciding vote remaining.  Councilor George had taken the time to drive around the day before the vote and look at several HAND housing developments in the area, some as much as 10 years old.

David George found all the HAND projects he checked to be in excellent condition and a credit to their neighborhoods.  He voted yes and the vote was 5-4, allowing the housing development to move forward.

There are many more examples, too many for listing here.

I found David George to be a council member that communicated regularly with his constituents in the Southwest council district.  Anytime I had a question or requested a comment, he always responded.

For those reasons, and many more, I will miss David George on the Fishers City Council.  The council itself is losing the member with the longest institutional memory, having served on the council (town & city) for the past 19 years.

I wish David George all the best in life after the council.  19 years is a long time to serve in any elected office.

So, the next question is this – who will be the next city council member for the Southwest District?  One name has been floated.

Mark Bowen, a former Hamilton County Sheriff and now a Captain in the Sheriff’s Department, confirmed to LarryInFishers that he intends to be a candidate when the Republican caucus meets to select the person to fill-out the remainder of Mr. George’s term, which runs through December 31, 2023.

The Hamilton County Republican Chair, Laura Campbell, has 30 days to call a caucus of precinct officials in the Southwest District.  That vote will determine the person that will serve on the Southwest District council seat.

The next city election will take place in 2023.

It is possible that other candidates may come forward for the caucus vote, but Mark Bowen appears to be the first to confirm he plans to run.