Keep Fishers Beautiful – Fall edition

Keep Fishers Beautiful is a spring and fall endeavor, with a few programs ongoing year-round.

The city of Fishers has announced several fall programs, including the always-popular Recycling Day.

Here is an update on Keep Fishers Beautiful, as provided by the city of Fishers:



City Recycling Day
Saturday, October 2 / 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. 
Fishers offers a free recycling day at Billericay Park for residents on October 2, where electronics, household items, and hazardous wastes are accepted. Paper recycling and off-site confidential document shredding is also available. Learn more and find a list of accepted items here.
Volunteer Opportunities
October 2-9
Help to keep Fishers beautiful with community volunteer opportunities throughout the week. Opportunities include clearing branches and removing trash and debris from Fishers’ parks, trails, and schools; pulling plants, weeding, and removing stakes at the Fishers AgriPark; and more. View opportunities and sign up at
Neighborhood Cleanups
Throughout October
Fishers neighborhoods are encouraged to beautify their common spaces and facades for fall, and are invited to use complementary gloves and trash bags provided by the City of Fishers throughout the month of October. Local neighborhoods can also participate in the City’s Blitz Box program, which includes a cleanup kit and the use of a 20-yard dumpster. HOA representatives can complete a Blitz Box application and request supplies at
Available all year long
Organizations and individuals are invited to adopt a stretch of road by providing trash and litter pickup along Fishers’ streets. Learn more at
Fishers Stormwater Rain Barrel Program
Available all year long
Help to protect our freshwater resources and take advantage of the free rain barrel program through Fishers Stormwater. First, take Clear Choices Clean Water Indiana’s water quality pledge, then submit your pledge with your rain barrel application. Click here to learn more.
Keep Fishers Beautiful Blog Series
October 2-9
Get fall planting tips from a local Master Gardener and ideas for celebrating a sustainable Halloween with guest blogs from Fishers residents at