Fishers denies 2 5G towers in residential neighborhoods

Fishers has denied two Verizon 5G cell tower requests in two different neighborhoods at Monday morning’s Board of Public Works and Safety meeting.  The board, consisting of Mayor Scott Fadness and his two appointees, Jeff Lantz and Jason Meyer, voted unanimously to deny the requests.

In each case, the neighborhood homeowners’ associations (HOAs) were unable to reach agreement with Verizon on the placement of the towers. The neighborhoods where the board denied Verizon’s proposed tower placement are Harrison Woods and Lantern Overlook.  Both were tabled at the previous board meeting to allow time for Verizon and the HOAs to reach a consensus, but in these two neighborhoods, no consensus was reached.

Fishers City Attorney Chris Greisl told LarryInFishers Verizon may come back to the board with another proposal or just choose not to provide 5G service to that specific area.

A proposed Verizon 5G tower plan for Northfield Estates was tabled to allow Verizon to discuss a tower placement issue in that neighborhood.

The board approved a Verizon 5G tower on South Street in the downtown area when no objections were raised by nearby residents.

In one other matter before the board, look for nighttime hour lane restrictions on 96th Street near the Meijer store during the week of September 6.  This is to allow work on underground utilities.