You have likely seen the office building clearly visible on I-69 in Fishers. It has been a bank call center and office for Roche Pharmaceuticals in the past. For a year and a half, a major construction project has been underway to essentially reconstruct the inside of the structure and become Round Room, described as the nation’s largest Verizon authorized retailer.
Most CEOs of a firm that large would dress in a coat and tie for the big ribbon cutting ceremony, but not Round Room CEO Scott Moorehead. He donned a T-shirt and jeans. You could feel the casual atmosphere in the work place.
“I made a promise to everybody, as my career goal, I said, I’m going to make this company the biggest damn small company on the planet,” Moorehead told the ribbon-cutting crowd. “I’m still on that journey and we are one step closer today.
“This building sat empty for far too long,” said Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness Thursday ceremony. “It was one of these buildings that is right at the gateway of our community.” The mayor described the process that brought Round Room to Fishers.
As part of the ribbon-cutting event, Round Room handed out checks to several local charities, including Fishers YMCA, St. Joseph Institute of the Deaf, Sharonsweb Autism Foundation, Youth Mentoring Initiative, Shepherd’s Center of Hamilton County and Racial Equity Community Network, all receiving $5,000 each. Good Samaritan Network of Hamilton County and Conner Prairie each received a $10,000 donation. The biggest check was for the Hamilton County Humane Society for $500,000.