HSE School Board deals with policies, board minutes and diversity training

Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School Board member Suzanne Thomas objected to the wording in meeting minutes  for the July 28th board meeting, but she was the only no vote when the board approved the minutes at Wednesday’s board meeting.  Here is the part of the minutes Ms. Thomas questioned:

“One speaker and several members from the community became unruly
and began shouting. The speaker at the podium ignored repeated requests by the board president to be seated.”

Thomas claimed it was not just the crowd that was unruly.

In another matter before the board, Ms. Thomas objected to paying Child Advocates for diversity training conducted for school district staff members that has already been conducted.  Superintendent Yvonne Stokes says this training is voluntary for staff members and has been offered since 2015.  The only complaint she received about this year’s training was that it would be better held in-person instead of virtually.  Stokes did say she would seek other vendors in addition to Child Advocates for future staff diversity professional education.  The board approved the payment to Child Advocates.

Board member Thomas objected to a proposed school policy referring to the Indiana open Door Law.  The policy language cites the Indiana statute that governs the Open Door Law, but Thomas said she wants a link to the law.  Board member Julie Chambers said the policy committee considered that, but links change all the time, leading the committee to recommend using the same language as in previous policy, but putting several parts of current policy in one place.  There was no vote on the polices concerning board meetings, governance and school transportation policies at Wednesday’s session, but is scheduled for a vote at the August 25th board meeting.

Also at Wednesday’s session, Dr. Stokes apologized for an internal staff document that has been making the rounds on social media.  The document addresses awareness to the staff of monthly observances.  There was no intention to leave out any religious events from this listing and the intent was to be supportive of students.  She apologized for any “angst” this caused in the local community.

Dr. Stokes also said there continues to be a need in the district for more substitute teachers, food service workers and school bus drivers.  Anyone interested in applying should contact the HSE Schools HR Department.

Board President Janet Pritchett announced that Brian Meyer, the school board appointee to the Hamilton East Library Board the past 12 years, has been appointed to another four-year term.  Ms. Pritchett said there were many good and qualified candidates that applied for this appointment and she appreciates the interest of each one.  There were several letters of support from Mr. Meyer’s fellow library board members supporting his re-appointment.  Mr. Meyer has committed to providing an annual update to the school board on the Hamilton East Library.  The Hamilton East Library system runs the Noblesville and Fishers libraries.