After covering the Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School Board for more than 9-and-a-half years, I have never witnessed anything like what transpired at the meeting Wednesday night.
It began as an agenda item over one appointment the HSE Board is allowed to the Hamilton East Library Board. The current appointee, Brian Meyer, has been the board appointee for 12 years and is willing to serve another four years. Mr. Meyer gave a presentation to the board and answered questions.
Then, there was public comment. Board President Janet Pritchett cautioned the audience that any comments must be related to the appointment, not other issues. Some speakers tried to comment on the books in the library, and board president Pritchett insisted the comments be limited to the appointment only.
Then one member of the public began reading from a book, it was unclear whether it came from the Hamilton East Library Fishers branch, about a transgender child’s story. The speaker was objecting to the content. Pritchett once again insisted the speaker not veer from the agenda item of the appointment, but the speaker began raising her voice, even after her microphone was cutoff.
Pritchett than called a recess and board members left the meeting room, as the crowd recited in unison, “we ban you.” The audience continued their loud response after the board left.
Board members Brad Boyer and Suzanne Thomas tried to explain to those in attendance that this is not the time for this issue to be discussed but Boyer said he would meet with a group of people to hear their concerns. Ryan Taylor, Director of Staff and Student Support Services for HSE Schools, then explained to the audience the board will only return to the board room with assurances the meeting would not be disrupted.
The board returned, and board president Pritchett announced public comment would be suspended for the remainder of the Wednesday session. There were no more meeting disruptions after that announcement, although some audience members left the meeting room at that time.
Pritchett said anyone interested in being appointed to the Hamilton East Library Board should notify the school district. The appointment is scheduled to be made at the August 11th board meeting. Pritchett says the state statute says the school board president is empowered to make this library board appointment.