HSE School Board looks to a process for library board appointment

In more than nine years of covering the Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School Board, the appointment the board makes to the Hamilton East Library Board of Trustees has been non-controversial.  Eight years ago, Brian Meyer was the HSE School Board appointee, and he was re-appointed four years later.

Mr. Meyer, currently serving as vice-president of the library board of trustees based on the library’s Web site, is requesting another four-year term on the Hamilton East board.

The school board held a lengthy discussion on the appointment.  Mr. Meyer’s term expires next month.

The school board plans to establish a process for selecting the next appointment to the Hamilton East Library Board of Trustees.  Based on Tuesday morning’s work session discussion, there will be a way for people in the community to apply for the appointment.

Board members made clear they have no concern about the job Brian Meyer has done as the HSE School Board appointee, but the board appears to desire changes in the process and policies for making this appointment.

HSE Board member Sarah Donsbach researched the state statute, and discovered that Noblesville Schools have two appointments to the library board, while HSE Schools has one appointment.  That is because the principal location for the Hamilton East Library system is in Noblesville.

The HSE Board plans to enact a process for the library board selection at the July 28th meeting, with the intention to make the appointment to the Hamilton East board at the August 11th meeting