As you travel around Fishers, you may have seen signs saying “Defund HSE Schools.” People objecting to these signs have been contacted by City Councilor at-large Jocelyn Vare, and the city councilor is asking them to use proper procedures in removing the signs.
The reason residents are taking it upon themselves to remove “Defund HSE” signs is that they appear to be within the city’s right-of-way. The rules are spelled out in the Fishers Unified Development Ordinance, Section 6.17.5 (G).
Vare says she has spoken to City Attorney Chris Greisl, who advises residents that believe such a sign violates the city ordinance to contact the city and Fishers code enforcement staff will remove the sign if in violation of the ordinance.
Such a sign can be legally placed on private property outside the city’s right-of-way with the permission of the property owner.
Vare told LarryInFishers she doesn’t understand the messaging behind the signs, but is most concerned about reports about the placement of the signs in violation of the city ordinance.
Vare has been concerned about stories she has learned of private citizens removing the “Defund HSE Schools” signs themselves. “To me, I was kind of worried about that” said Vare. “That could be a safety issue.”
Vare’s concern about the message the signs are projecting deals with protecting the funding for the local school corporation.
“The message is negative towards HSE Schools,” Vare said. “I personally feel like funding for HSE Schools needs to be protected, that’s how we keep our schools strong.”
It is not known what person or group is behind the “Defund HSE Schools” signs. There is a Facebook page and Twitter account named “Defund HSE Schools” but there is no indication on either account what person or persons are posting on those accounts or placing the signs.