HSE Schools student fees – it’s complicated

What will your student pay in fees for the coming Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) school year?  The answer to that question is complicated.  It all depends on the grade level and what books, online materials and equipment the student requires for the courses taken.

The HSE School Board passed the fee schedule for the 2021-2022 academic year at Wednesday night’s session.  Board member Michelle Fullhart reminded everyone that Indiana is one of only 8 states that charge families these fees.

For more detail on what was approved by the board, see the information below:

2021/2022 K-12 Textbook Rental Fees


Background Information

The fee revisions being recommended are the result of changes made in conjunction with the Curriculum Department.  This might include the adoption of new resources, a change in consumables selected or a change in pricing.


Elementary & Intermediate


K-6 consumable and material fees have been revised due to an addition of a novel or a change in pricing.


K-1 fees for Fountas Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention have been revised due to partial funding from a state grant and the federal ESSER grant.


Material fees for Nature First, Agri-Park, Conner Prairie, and Hub & Spoke have been added to the appropriate grade levels.


Junior High

At the Junior High level, consumable fees have been revised either due to a change in price or change in resource selected.


7th-8th material fees for science and FACS have increased.


8th grade, except for iPad rental, fees for students who transferred from HIJH to FCJH for the 18/19 school year will continue to have fees waived for the 21/22 school year.


High School

At the high school level, changes in fees may be due to the addition of new courses or changes in the selection or pricing of consumables or materials.


There may be some variation in high school fees due to the selection of consumables or materials used at each building.


The consumable used by the K-4 and 7-8 Lifeskills Program has been revised due to a change in pricing.


9-12 Functional Academics Program consumables have increased due to the addition of resources and changes in pricing.


9-12 laptop replacement fees have decreased due to a change in price.


K-8  At the high school level, only courses with changes are included.

(The links below provide more details)

Exceptional Learner Fees


Technology Fees

Junior High Book Rental Fees

FHS Course Fee Worksheet

HHs Course Fee Worksheet