HSE Schools encourage, but will not require, students to wear masks in classrooms. per published plan

Mask wearing will be encouraged, but not required, for students and staff of Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) Schools in the coming school year.  However, per federal regulations, masks will be required on school buses.

That language is contained in the “return to in-person instruction” draft plan released Monday by HSE Schools.  This plan is required in order for the local school district to qualify for a $2.9 million  federal grant.

The plan also shows new class start times and four e-learning days in the 2021-2022 school calendar.

The document calls for school officials to monitor guidelines issued by local, state and federal health authorities.

“HSE will continue to rely on data provided by the HSE Department of Staff and Student
Services, the Fishers Health Department (FHD), the Indiana State Department of Health and the Governor’s office,” the plan states.

Classroom visitors will be allowed but these visitors must wear masks.  No lunch visitors will be allowed.

There will be procedures for specific situations, such as passing periods, arts classes and recess.

The plan will be presented to the HSE School Board at Wednesday night’s regular meeting.

You can view the entire plan document at this link.