HAMCO Dems criticize Baldwin message on guns, senator apologizes for the timing

              Scott Baldwin

The Hamilton County Democratic Party issued a statement criticizing State Senator Scott Baldwin for a message sent Friday about firearms freedoms, as news was breaking about the mass shooting at the Indianapolis FedEx distribution center.  Baldwin apologized for the timing of the already scheduled message.

“We firmly believe that Senator Scott Baldwin’s emailed statement calling for firearm freedoms on Friday – the same day that the news of the tragedy broke – was not only tone deaf, but alarmingly dangerous,” HAMCO Democrats said in a statement issued Monday. “It signifies an actively defiant will to ignore the voices of the citizens they are meant to represent, Republican and Democrats alike.”

Baldwin responded saying the post was pre-planned and apologized.

“The email was drafted earlier in the week, regarding pending 2nd Amendment legislation, and its release was pre-scheduled and regrettably timed,” Baldwin’s statement says.  “I apologize for that. Please know my family and I are praying for the victims and loved ones impacted by the incomprehensible violence that occurred in our capital city.”

8 people died in the Indianapolis FedEx mass shooting and, in addition, the alleged shooter also died of an apparent self-inflicted wound.

2 thoughts on “HAMCO Dems criticize Baldwin message on guns, senator apologizes for the timing

  1. When his or his family’s prayers bring back the slain, then I’ll care. Otherwise, since this was “incomprehensible” to him, it is certain that he’s not been paying attention to much of anything for…25 years? Longer?

    The problem is that too many Hoosiers and too many Americans see Friday as a feature rather than a bug, let alone the catastrophic failure that it truly is.

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