Fishers remains in the red, or highest, category for COVID community transmission rate in the past week. Fishers Public Health Director Monica Heltz says, in her most recent video update, that based on the state’s measurement criteria, Hamilton County will soon move into red status as well, which will trigger further restrictions county-wide based on guidance from the office of Governor Eric Holcomb.
Three additional COVID deaths have been confirmed among Fishers residents, raising the total to 58. Those numbers reflect the confirmed cases for the city, while many others are possibly linked to COVID but not confirmed by health officials.
In one day last week, Heltz says Fishers experienced its highest number of reported cases since the pandemic began. She was not specific about which day or how many cases were reported in that day.
If you want a COVID test through the Fishers Health Department, the availability is there. You can get a testing appointment the same day or the next day. The average wait for test results is 2.7 days, although there are a few outlier situations where the wait time is longer. This means the entire testing process for most is done in 1-3 days.
Health care capacity is mostly unchanged. Intensive Care Unit capacity at 20.9% in our geographic area, roughly the same as the previous week. However, the non-COVID patient count has decreased and the COVID patient count has increased. “This is a troubling sign,” said Heltz.
Each of the past three months, October, November and December, have seen increases in the number of positive cases. The count for December is roughly 2,800.
“We continue to expect that we will have an increase in January, February and March,” Ms. Heltz said. “We do have good news on the horizon. The vaccine is coming. We expect to get our first shipment this week. We’re very excited about that.”
She reminded Fishers residents that a survey is available to put yourself in line when vaccinations are available, with the order ultimately decided by the state of Indiana. That guidance from the state is not yet available.
It is known that health care workers, first responders, police and fire employees will be among the first to receive the vaccination.
“We do hope to start putting those needles in arms as early as next week,” said Heltz.
To place yourself in line for the vaccination, complete and submit the survey at this link.
You may view the entire video by Monica Heltz at this link.