Podcast: Mayor Scott Fadness

Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness issued a statement Tuesday critical of the decision by the Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School Board to have all grade levels go to virtual classes beginning November 19 through at least December 4.  The mayor tells me in a podcast interview recorded Wednesday, November 18,  that he stands by that statement, but has one regret.

“People, I think, read more into that statement than probably was there, but I stand by it,” said the mayor in the LarryInFishers.com podcast episode. ”Obviously, right now, things are emotionally charged, people took (the statement) and ran with it.  I regret that aspect of it.”

The city will provide any resources it can provide to support getting HSE students back into classrooms, according to the mayor.

Mayor Fadness talked about that, more COID-19 issues, the Interrupting Racism program, the State 37 construction project and more in this podcast interview.

There were a few audio glitches that happen sometimes in Zoom connections, so please be aware, but you should be able to hear most of the interview with no problems.