I continue to be amazed by the people that regularly read this blog.
I had failed to write anything for several days because I was sick with the coronavirus and felt I needed to explain why I had been away, particularly with an election looming. So once I felt well enough to write, I explained why I had been absent.
What I did not expect was the outpouring of heart-felt messages from all over. I had friends, relatives and people I know from covering news in Fishers for 12 years all sending me some sort of indication they were following my recovery. You have no idea how much that means to me. I sincerely thank each and every one of you.
I have had a lot of time to think over the last many days battling this awful virus. You think about all that is truly important to you. My family, my wife, my daughters and my new grandson. I cannot say enough about my wife Jane. Thank goodness she tested negative for COVID and has taken care of me during this scary ordeal. We have used all the precautions recommended for a couple living together with one person positive, and Jane is healthy with no symptoms.
When the test came back positive for me, I only told a small circle of close relatives and friends. I didn’t want to burden people in general about my health issues.
Once I disclosed my health condition Wednesday, I was overwhelmed by the number of people saying they are thinking and praying for me. You have no idea how much that means.
LarryInFishers.com has been a volunteer activity for me, I have never made a cent from this. I always viewed this as my retirement volunteer activity.
When I announced my plans to withdraw from the news blog last March, I was again shocked at the response, so many people making kind remarks. My plans to change the direction of the blog went out the window with the pandemic so I continued to cover local news because, again, no one else was doing it.
As long as my health holds out, I’ll continue to cover local news and produce some podcasts. I may not attend many meetings in person, but I will stay with it as long as I can, because the people reading this blog have expressed how much they care for me…..and it is up to me to return the favor.
One more thing…..the Fishers Health Department issued what I would describe as an ominous statement Thursday that COVID-19 is spreading fast locally and just about everywhere. We don’t know when or if government will act, but either way, the best we can all do individually is to wear a mask in public, practice social distancing and wash our hands.
Take it from me….prevention is the best medicine.