As a generally retired guy, it is amazing what swirls through my mind on a given day. Today, I am sharing a few of those thoughts. I will leave it up to you as to whether any are of substantive value.
–Here are the local novel coronavirus numbers as of this writing. According to the Fishers Health Department, the city has seen 75 positive tests in the past 14 days, with 826 local residents testing positive since the local testing regime began in early April. 35 Fishers city residents have died of COVID-19, and that number has held steady for several weeks. If you review the positive case numbers on the chart, it will appear that those cases are going down recently. However, Monica Heltz, director of the health department, cautions that many test results have been delayed and those numbers may not be a true picture of what is happening locally. Heltz says a national shortage of key testing material and a general increase in testing demand has resulted in the delays. The Indiana State Department of Health reports 104 novel coronavirus deaths in all of Hamilton County, with 2,610 positive results out of 44,268 total tests conducted.
–Major League Baseball should do away with the cardboard cutouts of fans in the stands. They look ridiculous. The TV stations are piping in fake crowd noise and cheers, which is OK because their production people are doing it well. Just glad there is baseball to watch on TV. Let’s hope the game can remain safe for the players, coaches and support staff. One or two more outbreaks of the virus and the shortened MLB season is in jeopardy.
–The NBA and NHL have opted for “bubbles” keeping the players and other personnel together under strict rules and testing regimes. So far, no positive tests in those sports.
–The NFL has started training camps and some players are choosing just not to play. It will be very difficult to prevent outbreaks just due to the nature of the sport and how it is played on the field. I am not as big a fan of the NFL as I once was, but the Indianapolis area has a major public investment in the Colts so I hope they do well.
–I very much enjoy college football but wonder how the major conferences will be able to play, again due to the nature of the sport. How successful will universities be at keeping players in line with the rules? I hate to say it, but a full college football season with a national champion may not happen this season. That is just being a realist.
–The IHSAA has issued rules for their member schools. Fans are allowed in the stands at the discretion of the home school. If there are fans, there are strict limits as to how many and how they will be spaced. Will there be a Mudsock Game this year with Fishers playing HSE? Time will tell.
–If you want children in the HSE Schools to return to class in-person, the best thing you can do is wear a mask when you leave your home and encourage others to do the same. Wash your hands and observe the guidelines from health professionals.
–Please, take care of yourself and be careful out there!