Drainage costs, change orders, relocating utility lines, buying land right-of-way and design costs – all that and more have resulted in an increase to the price tag of the State Road 37 renovation underway in Fishers. What had originally been estimated to cost $124 million now appears to have risen to $171 million. The project completion date has also been moved back to 2023.
Based on a story appearing in the latest edition of the Indianapolis Business Journal (IBJ), reporter Kurt Christian quotes Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness as saying he is “cautiously optimistic that, at the end of the day, it will not be” a $47 million overage.
However, County Commissioner Christine Altman is quoted in the story as saying she is not so optimistic about the budget outlook if the project stays with the current plan.
There is much more to this story, so I would encourage you to read reporter Christian’s work at this link.
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