Election Board hearing challenges to candidates


Fred Swift

Hamilton County Reporter

The Hamilton County Election Board will convene today (Wednesday) to hear ballot challenges from both Republican and Democratic chairmen.

Democratic county chairman Joe Weingarten claims eight ineligible individuals filed for state convention delegate in the May 5 Democratic primary election. The eight have either no record of party affiliation or have voted Republican in past primary elections.

Republican Chairwoman Laura Campbell has filed seven challenges against persons who filed for precinct committeeman or convention delegate (or both) who cannot be identified as members of the GOP.

Election Board members Ray Adler, Greg Purvis and Kathy Williams may remove a candidate’s name from the ballot upon evidence that the person has no record of proper party affiliation.

There is no indication that members of one party are trying to infiltrate the other party’s organization, but convention delegates and committeemen are party positions and not actual public offices. And, political parties have the right to make certain candidates belong to their party.

Names of those being challenged were not released prior to a board determination. Party affiliation in Indiana is usually determined by a person’s ballot request in past primary elections.

Convention delegates elected May 5 will choose nominees for Attorney General and Lieutenant Governor of the state, adopt a party platform and elect Indiana delegates to each party’s national convention.