January Art Gallery in City Hall features the work of Jeannette Pomeroy Parssi

Jeannette Pomeroy Parssi

The Fishers Arts Council will kickoff 2020 at the Art Gallery in City Hall by displaying the work of Jeanette Pomeroy Parssi, beginning January 4th.  The exhibit will be titled – Dreaming in Color.

There will be a public reception Friday, January 10th, 6-8pm at Fishers City Hall.

Ms Parssi say she is aiming to stimulate emotions through mostly oil paintings on canvas.  “Experts tell us that colors stimulate emotions,” Parsii said in an Arts Council news release.

Jeanette Parssi has traveled extensively to many locales in Europe to hone her craft, sometimes alone, at other times as part of a group, but always with the goal of becoming a better artist.



A painting by Jeannette Parssi

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