Final Council meeting for three key Fishers officials


Council President Rich Block awarded for his years of service to the city by Mayor Fadness

December 16th marked the last Fishers City Council meeting for 2019, but it also was the final session for three key Fishers leaders.  Council President Rich Block, Council Vice President Eric Moeller and Deputy Mayor Leah McGrath will all be moving on in 2020.

Rich Block and Eric Moeller lost their re-election bids in the 2019 general election.  Leah McGrath is leaving for a job in the private sector, at Knowledge Services, a technology firm.  She has also announced her intention to run for a seat in the Indiana House of Representatives.

Mayor Scott Fadness presented each of the three with a remembrance of their time with the city in a City Council ceremony.

As a reporter covering Fishers as both a town and a city since 2012, I can say all three have made major contributions to the community we call Fishers.  Whether you agreed or disagreed with their decisions, they all had the best interests of the city, and its residents, at heart.

Eric Moeller served on both the town and city councils
Deputy Mayor Leah McGrath was appointed to that post just a few months after Fishers became a city

2 thoughts on “Final Council meeting for three key Fishers officials

  1. Eric and Rich were two of the council members that had participated in the open community discussions this past year. I, for one, appreciated that effort and the time they made available to answer questions at the ones I was able to attend.

    While one of the incoming council members has stated they will keep the community forum dialogs going, I’m not sure any of the incumbents plan to do so as well.

    Hopefully the efforts Eric and Rich started will continue forward with more of the city council in an effort to be transparent with the decisions being made.

    In the meantime, best wishes to all three as they move on to their next adventures!

  2. Goodbye and good riddance! Residents have had enough of the rampant corruption within Fishers/ Hamilton County government, and I assure everyone many more corrupt city “leaders” shall be removed. We plan to also expose Leah for the great many untruthful comments made about the destruction of our once proud and historic downtown.

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