Kammy Hiner had a very special day Friday, as she helped cut the ribbon on a special new playground swing at Holland Park. A large crowd of local officials and friends of Kammy gathered at the park.
The new swing is a special design that allows many special needs children access to a swing. Kammy, 17, knows something about special needs because she has battled a rare genetic disorder since birth.
When the Make a Wish organization asked Kammy what her wish would be, she did not think about herself. She and her father Jared studied what could help others, and came up with the specially designed swing. This reflects Kammy’s love of playgrounds and the children that enjoy them.
The swing had a ribbon-cutting ceremony Friday that included a proclamation read by Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness. Kammy was all smiles.
Kammy’s wish hit a major milestone – this was the 17,00th wish “Make a Wish” has granted in the area covering Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky.
Kammy is also raising money to fight the rare disease that impacts her. You can donate to her local charity at this link.