Fishers City Council Vice President Eric Moeller invited Director of Engineering Jason Taylor and Troy Woodruff of RQAW to speak before a Council Connect session, held Friday morning before a small crowd at the Sunlake Apartments, near State Road 37 & 126th Street.
The State Road 37 construction project was the main topic of discussion. Taylor said the remainder of 2019 will see preparation work for keeping 4 lanes of traffic open along 37 (2 northbound and 2 southbound) during the construction process. That means some lane restrictions will begin on SR37 in October.
Relocation of utilities in the construction areas will be ongoing, according to Taylor.
When asked about when there will be closures and/or restrictions east-west along 126th Street, Taylor said there is no schedule from the contractor, but these closures will not likely start until the spring of 2020. The 126th Street east-west project, installing an overpass bridge with a roundabout, is scheduled to be complete by at least November of 2020, according to Taylor, with the usual caveat that unforeseen conditions, such as weather delays, could always change that projection.
The reconstruction of the interchange at 146th Street and State 37 is expected to begin sometime in 2020, but east-west traffic is expected to be maintained on 146th Street during the construction, at least one lane each way.
There will be an ongoing monitoring of traffic signals in and around the construction area. Taylor says his department will be watching that and make any changes to deal with detouring traffic.