HSE teachers to receive 2% pay increase in 2020, just over 1.27% in 2021

Members of the Hamilton Southeastern Education Association (HSEA) have ratified a new two-year contract with the HSE School Corporation.  The new pact calls for a 2% salary increase for local educators in calendar year 2020, and just over 1.27% in 2021

The new contract moves toward equalizing the incremental steps teachers earn based on the number of years teaching, per guidance from the state.

For example, the beginning HSE Schools teacher salary for 2019 was $40,158…..for 2020, it will be $40,961 & in 2021 the beginning salary is set to be $41,484.

The contract also has new provisions in areas such as teacher pay on  e-learning days and extra-curricular pay.

The new contract will be the subject of a school board public hearing October 9th, with a board vote to ratify the agreement set for October 23rd.