Recognition & a police swearing-in ceremony at Fishers City Council

Police Chief Ed Gebhart swears-in seven new police officers

Monday’s Fishers City Council Meeting featured two recognition ceremonies and new police officers being given the oath of office.

HSE High School head baseball coach Jeremy Sassanella introduced his state chamionship team to the council.

City employee Roger Ryker was honored for his retirement after 23 years of service to Fishers.

Finally, Fishers Police Chief Ed Gebhart administered the oath of office to 7 new uniformed officers.  The new officers are:

Dominique Smith

Kelsey Farrell

Ben Tate

Chase Edwards

Kyle Griffith

Colin Harruff

Cory Schaulbu


Fishers Director of Engineering Jason Taylor (left) alongside Mayor Fadness, as they honor retiree Roger Ryker


Coach Sassanella (right) introduces his state championship baseball team at Monday’s council session