Richie Hall
Hamilton County Reporter
Judging by her reaction after being named the 2019 Hamilton County 4-H Queen, Emma Higginbotham might not have been expecting to win.
But she did. And the county 4-H Fair will have itself a new queen, who began her reign at the conclusion of the 4-H Queen Pageant, which took place Friday at the 4-H Fairgrounds in Noblesville.
“This is a shock,” said Higginbotham, a Hamilton Heights graduate who is now a freshman at Franklin College. “I have the best support system, and one of my favorite things about growing up in Hamilton County is the unconditional love. You either win or learn, and I’m thankful I’ve had people to help me grow, but also support me when I win.”
Higginbotham emerged from a field of 27 contestants at the pageant. The daughter of John and Kim Higginbotham, Emma is a 10-year member, affiliated with Sheridan Ag. She names swine as her favorite 4-H project, for more reasons than one.
“It’s early mornings and late nights with my dad in the barn,” said Higginbotham. “We spend a lot of time bonding there. It’s kind of our time together. It’s caring for something other than yourself, which is preparing me for one day when I do have a family and I have to be time-manageable. I have to wake up early and be the last one to bed.”
Contestants are judged in three categories: Interview, during which they sit down for a five-minute interview with the three judges; Professional Wear, and Formal Wear, which takes place during the pageant itself. The contestants are asked an impromptu question during the Formal Wear section. Higginbotham was asked “what is her dream career,” and she responded that it was to become an elementary school teacher, which is her career path, “because I want to leave a lasting impact on my students as my teachers have done for me.”
“I can’t even begin to describe the amazing things the 4-H program has done for me,” said Higginbotham. “Anywhere from growing me, not only into a person, but into a leader. Just starting in the third grade, I’ve had the amazing opportunity to show a broad spectrum of livestock, as well as inside projects. It’s taught me so many like skills that I just really couldn’t learn anywhere else.”
Before Higginbotham was named Queen, the other members of the court were announced. They are First Runner-Up Hailey Rivers, Second Runner-Up Emily Peterson, Third Runner-Up Emma Swain and Fourth Runner-Up Madelyn Zola.
Mya Lotarski of Winners’ Unlimited was named Miss Congeniality.
“It’s always been a dream of mine to just be on court, and just being with all these amazing girls has made my day,” said Lotarski.
The Queen and her court will be in attendance throughout the 4-H Fair, which begins Thursday, July 18 and runs through Tuesday, July 23.