The Fishers City Council is investigating City Clerk Jennifer Kehl in what the council describes as a “Title VII” probe. Title VII is a part of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin and religion. The council news release does not specify which part of Title VII is involved in this case.
The council statement says a third party will be contracted to conduct this investigation.
“As of this moment I have not been made aware of any specific allegations brought against me,” Ms. Kehl wrote in a Thursday afternoon e-mail message to LarryInFishers. “I am confident I will be found innocent of the allegations as that is not who I am. I have not done anything wrong.”
Below is the full statement issued by the city council Thursday afternoon:
On May 10, Fishers City Council was made aware of several Title VII allegations against City Clerk Jennifer Kehl by current and former employees. The City Council takes every allegation of discrimination and harassment very seriously and immediately acted to provide workplace accommodations.
The City Council has hired a third-party firm to conduct an independent investigation into the allegations. Although the Office of the Clerk is separate and distinct from the City of Fishers, the City Council has investigatory powers over all officers, departments, and employees of the City.
The City Council respects the order of due process that all parties involve deserve. The City Council will not provide further comment until the investigation is complete.