After deadlocking on a 4-4 vote April 15th, the Fishers City Council voted 8-1, approving a rezoning for Jeffrey Cummings of Remax Real Estate, allowing his firm to use what was once a residential for his office. The lone “no” vote Monday was cast by Councilman Pete Peterson.
On April 15th, the council had a lively debate on the pluses and minuses of rezoning the property from residential to commercial.
Peterson said he wouldn’t stand in the way of this project, but still voted no.
The measure approved by the council contains the following conditions, recommended by city staff:
• Uses be limited to general office (no medical office)
• Signage and lighting shall be residential in character
• Property owner will voluntarily annex into City Limits
• If property to the west rezones to commercial, shared access to both sites
will be through one (1) driveway off of 126th Street.