Plan Commission Sends Neutral Recommendation To City Council On Building Ordinance Change

Fishers Plan Commission discussed proposed ordinance

The Fishers Plan Commission voted 8-1 Wednesday night , sending a neutral recommendation to the City Council on a  proposed text amendment to the city’s Unified Development Ordinance.  The proposal would require third-party inspections before a developer turns over common-area improvements contained in  housing developments to a Homeowners Association.  The no vote was cast by Plan Commission Member Brad DeReamer, who is also a Fishers City Councilor.

DeReamer had offered a motion to send a favorable recommendation to the city council for approval of the ordinance amendment, but the motion died after no Plan Commission member was willing to second his motion.

The “no recommendation” motion that was approved means the Plan Commission is taking no position on the proposal at this time.  Initially, Plan Commission Member Pete Peterson, who also serves on the city council, offered a motion to send an unfavorable recommendation to the city council, but at Plan Commission President Warren Harling’s suggestion, changed his motion to a “no recommendation.”   Harling argued this matter needs to be studied and perhaps would come back as an ordinance amendment if needed in the future.

Rich Block, a Plan Commission and city council member, voiced opposition to the proposal, saying he is hesitant to add another layer of government to the building process.  Peterson voiced the same argument.

DeReamer said he was elected to represent the people, and in his opinion, the citizens want this change, adding that the City of Carmel has already enacted such an ordinance.

Kate Collins, representing the Builders Association of Greater Indianapolis (BAGI), said her group opposes this change because it puts government in the middle of private, contractual relationships.

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