The Hamilton Southeastern School Board spent more than two hours listening to a proposal on grades K-8 redistricting, but will see the administration’s “preferred” redistricting map when it is released to the public online Monday, November 26.
Interim Assistant Superintendent William Carnes told the board that after a number of community meetings, and roughly 10,000 comments from the public, he and the firm contracted to assist in the process, Cooperative Strategies, submitted a redistricting map it identified as “Revised Scenario 1A.” This absorbed the many comments received, and incorporated parts of Scenarios 1 & 2 that were produced as part of the public comment process.
Board members reviewed “Revised Scenario 1A” and had a number of comments and suggestions for change.
Based on board member comments, and more data yet to be reviewed by Dr. Carnes and his redistricting group, “Revised Scenario 1A” is a step toward the final map recommendation for the board, but will likely not be the final boundaries.
Once Superintendent Allen Bourff reveals his recommended, or “preferred,” redistricting plan November 26th, he will present that map to the school board at the regular meeting of the board November 28th.
Once the board reviews the “preferred” redistricting plan, the final vote on redistricting is set for the board meeting December 12th.
You can view the entire Power Point presented to the school board at the Tuesday morning work session at this link.