My first time dealing with Tony Elliot was several years ago when he was serving as Assistant Town Manager for what was then the Town of Fishers. I was asking about Liberty Plaza, which was under construction at that time. If you don’t already know, Liberty Plaza is a wonderful memorial to military veterans located at 116th and Municipal Drive.
I was told this was Tony’s project and he guided it to the final construction phase. It wasn’t long after that when Tony was promoted to Parks and Recreation Director for the town, and later for the City of Fishers once that transition was made.
Tony led the department through a large growth period. The population of Fishers was growing and the Parks Department programs and facilities were growing to meet the needs of that booming population.
I cannot remember a more professional and personable city department head in any of my work as a reporter. Tony is one of a kind.
Fishers’ loss will be Santa Cruz, California’s gain. I wish Tony and his family well as they make the journey west. He can look back to Fishers and be proud of what he has accomplished here.