The City of Fishers has taken in a number of interns this summer, but a problem came to light – there would not be enough room in City Hall to house them. A new Fishers Police Department Headquarters building is under construction across the street from the current HQ, and once that move is made, several offices will move to the current police building.
Until that happens, office space is a scarce commodity in Fishers City Hall. So, the question was, where does the city put all these interns?
Mayor Scott Fadness came up with that answer…..the mayor would give up his office and move to a desk in the hallway next to his office.
When I asked the mayor about this, he said so little time is spent in his office, giving it up doesn’t change the way he conducts his daily routine much.
In my years working off-and-on as a journalist, I’ve covered a number of mayors. I can’t think of any mayor I have known giving up his office to bring-on more interns, but that is what Scott Fadness has done.