Jesse Mendenhall is the perfect keynote speaker for a Memorial Day observance, because she has a story to tell about service and sacrifice. Her husband was a Marine, A.J. White, who suffered injuries during a tour serving in Iraq. He retired from the Marine Corps as a result of those service-related medical condition.
Jesse talked about the difficulty Adam had in dealing with his injuries after returning home. A.J. suddenly died due to an enlarged heart connected to his injuries suffered serving in Iraq. That left Jesse without her husband and their three small children fatherless. Jesse had high praise for Folds of Honor, a group dedicated to assisting families like Jesse’s. All three children were able to continue in their Catholic school due to assistance from Folds of Honor.
Jesse is now remarried and is pregnant. When Jesse told her story, it was hard to find a dry eye in the large crowd assembled at Liberty Plaza in downtown Fishers. Even Jesse had to compose herself a couple of times as she told her story.
Jesse’s story is just one of the many stories among families with loved ones serving in our Armed Forces around the world. She was warmly received by the crowd, and this warmth had nothing to do with the thermometer reading.
Navy veteran El Ahlwardt was the master of ceremonies for the annual event, a task he has performed a number of times around Fishers. Mayor Scott Fadness made brief remarks as well.
World War II veteran Wayne Caldwell has become a regular at these Memorial Day events in Fishers, and led the audience in the singing of God Bless America.
Below are some pictures from the Monday morning observance: