The public received an update from officials involved in the rebuild of State Road 37 from 126th Street north to 146th Street, and there was a lot to discuss. The main news is what the current plans are for constructing the various roundabout interchanges.
That is important because east-west traffic will be blocked at these intersections for the estimated 9-month construction period in each case. State Road 37 will have four lanes open during construction, two going north and two going south, although those lanes may be be reduced in size and reconfigured.
Here is the current plan, as outlined in the meeting held Tuesday evening at the Delaware Township Building:
–The first interchange scheduled for reconstruction is 126th Street, which will be closed to east-west traffic during the spring & summer of 2019.
–In 2020, both 131st Street and 146th Street are scheduled for construction, again during the spring and summer months.
–141st Street will be set for construction of the only one-lane roundabout in the plans during spring & summer of 2021.
There was talk of finding a way to continue east-west traffic on 146th Street during construction, but no specific plan has been formulated.
One member of the audience questioned whether the one-lane roundabout planned for 141st could be expanded if needed in the future. City Engineering Department Director Jeff Hill replied that their studies show the one-lane roundabout will suffice for the next 30 years, but will consider a design allowing for future lane expansion if needed.
Because State Road 37 will be lowered for this project, drainage will be an issue and officials spent the first part of the session detailing plans to handle water drainage for the rebuilt highway.
There is a $500,000 budget set aside for a marketing plan in order to assist businesses impacted by the State Road 37 construction. The Fishers-based digital marketing firm Imavex has been contracted to provide the marketing services.
Troy Woodruff of RQAW told the crowd most of the right of way has been acquired or is in the process of being purchased, although there may be a few property owners yet to be contacted.
The State Road 37 construction project is aimed at improving traffic flow along that highway by reconstructing it to resemble the design on Keystone Avenue in Carmel, with access from 126th Street to 146th via ramps taking motorists to and from roundabouts, except 146th Street.
This is a $124 million undertaking, with the state providing $100 million – Fishers and Hamilton County are chipping-n $12 million each