Four Chambers of Commerce in Hamilton County will join forces for an event featuring all four mayors in the county, according to my news-gathering partner, the Hamilton County Reporter.
On May 9, the chambers of commerce in Hamilton County – Noblesville, Northern Hamilton County, OneZone and Westfield – will host Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard, Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness, Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear and Westfield Mayor Andy Cook for a discussion of issues facing their cities.
Check-in begins at 11 a.m. and the event will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Embassy Suites Conference Center, 13700 Conference Center Drive S., Noblesville.
The moderated panel discussion will focus on questions posed to each of the mayors on a variety of topics, including workforce development, infrastructure and the next big thing for each of their cities.
Reservations are required by noon on Monday, May 7. Cost for individuals is $25 for members of any Hamilton County chamber and $35 for non-members. Corporate tables are $240 for members ($320 for non-members) and include preferred seating location and table sign recognition. Reservations can be made with any Hamilton County chamber or at onezonecommerce.com or 317-436-465.
Four chambers of commerce represent the eight towns and cities in Hamilton County: Noblesville, Northern Hamilton County (Arcadia, Atlanta, Cicero and Sheridan), OneZone (Carmel and Fishers), and Westfield.