Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness surprised a number of people attending his State of the City address when he proposed an urban Agri Park for Fishers. Now, the city has entered into an agreement with Brandywine Creek Farms to develop the project.
The Fishers Board of Public Works and Safety put its stamp of approval on the pact after reviewing the written agreement and hearing from Deputy Mayor Leah Mcgrath on how the endeavor will work.
The agreement is for five years, with the opening of the Agri Park no later than the end of May this year.
The operation is described by city officials as an agricultural and urban farming operation on roughly 32 acres, located in an area near the southeastern corner of 113th Street and Florida Road.
The Agri Park will be the largest urban farm in America and will provide visitors a
multitude of educational opportunities, including:
–livestock presentations with a large animal veterinarian,
–urban farm training,
–field to fork demonstrations,
–planning and harvesting events,
–roping lessons,
–speakers series featuring staff from local universities,
–beekeeping presentations,
–STEM as Agriculture Learning Experiences and introductory presentations on Aquaculture.
Brandywine Farms is an operation started in 2015 by Jonathan and Amanda Lawler to grow and provide produce to the food insecure in central-Indiana. The firm says its mission is “to inject healthy, locally raised food into food deserts across Central Indiana while establishing sustainable food systems in the areas with the most need.”