Councilman Moeller Updates HOA Presidents

Councilman Eric Moeller talks city issues with HOA presidents

Fishers City Council Member Eric Moeller invites Homeowners Association (HOA) presidents within his North Central District once a year.  That annual session was held Tuesday night at City Hall with about 6 HOA officials on hand.

Moeller, along with Parks & Recreation Director Tony Elliot and City Attorney Chris Greisl, updated the HOA presidents and took questions.

Elliot said the new Spark!Fishers festival will hold its parade during the evening of Saturday, June 30th.  This is a break with tradition compared to the previous Fishers Freedom Festival, which held the parade in the afternoon hours.  The idea is to have the parade end at about the time the fireworks display begins, which should be around 10:15pm.

There were a number of questions from the audience, with subjects such as:

–The renovation of the Nickel Plate Amphitheater

–Improvements scheduled for 126th Street & Reynolds Drive

–Several road projects coming

–Legal responsibilities on maintaining and replacing trees in their neighborhoods

–Responsibility for replacing aging and vandalized street signs

–Speed limits within their neighborhood streets

Councilman Moeller said the city is looking into providing help for aging neighborhoods, exploring some matching programs to supplement HOA efforts to maintain and improve their communities.