I must commend the City of Fishers for carving out one evening per year to honor volunteers throughout the local community. However, I might question their decision on the master of ceremonies for the event (me).
Nonetheless, I was honored to be asked for a second consecutive year to be a part of the awards program. My thanks to Mayor Scott Fadness, Parks and Recreation Director Tony Elliot and Dan Domisc, Parks Department Community Engagement & Volunteer Coordinator, for making me feel welcome in my role Thursday night.
Volunteers from all parts of Fishers were honored, and the HSE Schools Teacher of the Year Heidi Stan was recognized.
I want to express special recognition to the winner of the Nonprofit Volunteer of the Year award, Mike Riekhof. When his daughter tragically died, it was Mike Reikhof that started a foundation in his daughter Peyton’s name to help students struggling with mental illness. Mayor Fadness used the word “courage” to describe Mike Riekhof’s work with his foundation. What Mike Riekhof has done has been courageous and effective.
The City of Service Awards ceremony is a special night in Fishers. It was an honor for me to be a part of it.