Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness told the Fishers City Council December 18th of last year that the extent of the Central Green/Amphitheater upgrades will be determined by the bids submitted for the project. The bids have been opened and it appears the city will be able to afford the full range of improvements.
The plans start with improvements to the Amphitheater stage itself, including a 25-foot expansion of the stage area. A 1,700 square-foot pavilion structure will be built between City Hall and the Amphitheater stage. This will add rest room facilities and provide meeting space for local groups.
Mayor Fadness said in December that the extent of other improvements would hinge on how the bidding process works out.
The Fishers Board of Works is set to vote January 22nd to accept a $4.1 million bid from Myers Construction to handle the renovation project. That bid includes the following features:
–raising the grade of the site creating stadium seating north of the pavilion
–site and infrastructure improvements south of the pavilion
–24 jet fountain between City Hall and the new pavilion
–additional electricity for events
–site landscaping.
The entire project is due to be completed June 1st of this year, calling for a very aggressive construction schedule. The Department of Public Works is asking the Board of Works to go ahead and approve the contract with Myers Construction January 22nd while the city’s lawyers review the provisions, allowing the contractor to line-up materials and sub-contractors.