Two local Fishers academic teams have won state championships. That is very good news. But there is a new challenge for both teams – they need to raise money allowing them to travel to the nation’s capital and compete against other teams from around the nation.
Teams competing in “We The People” from Fishers Junior High and Fishers High School have won their respective state championships. Now they head to Washington DC and face other schools from around that county that have earned the right to come to the national competition.
“We The People” is an exercise in civic knowledge, centered on the constitution, its history and its impact on today’s society.
Fishers Junior High School’s team last year won the national title in its category of competition. Fishers High School went to the national contest two years ago.
The Fishers High School team is coached by Liz Paternoster. The Fishers Junior High School squad is led by Mike Fassold.
The students and coaches have worked very hard to get this far. Now these young people are asking for your help and support.
Both teams have established Go Fund Me pages as a way to raise funds for their national competition travel. It is very easy for you to support their quest for a national title.
You will find the Fishers High School Go Fund Me page at this link.
The Go Fund Me page for the Fishers Junior High School team is at this link.
Start the new year by supporting these young people in their academic journey.