City Terminates Contract With Quad Med For Employee Health Clinic

The health clinic for Fishers city employees has been run by a company called QuadMed since 2008, but the city has chosen to terminate the contract and bring in a new health provider.  The transition to a new firm named Our Health is now underway.

Mayor Scott Fadness said the city sought to terminate the contract with QuadMed due to “performance issues.”  The Fishers City Board of Public Works and Safety approved the contract termination arrangement.

In other matters brought before the Board of Works:

–An agreement between Fishers and the Indiana Department of Transportation was extended for the project along 96th Street to add lanes, including bridge work.  The extension was approved.  The extension is needed for environmental work and land acquisition.

–The bids for steel needed for the winter overhaul work on the Amphitheater and new pavilion came in over budget, so the board authorized negotiations to reduce the steel cost and allow the project to move forward.