HSE Schools Will Keep Its Name

The Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) Schools hired Miles Herndon, an outside firm, to come up with proposals to re-brand the school corporation, in June of this year.  During that discussion, School Board President Matt Burke and Vice President John DeLucia both voiced support of at least studying whether the school district should change its name.

It appears that issue has been settled – HSE Schools will keep its name.  HSE Schools Spokesperson Emily Pace Abbotts has confirmed that the school district will not be changing its name – it will continue to be called the Hamilton Southeastern Schools.

Miles Herndon updated the board on its work so far in an October 11th work session and made no mention of any school district name change.  The company’s recommendation on re-branding the local schools should come soon, and will be done in conjunction with a revamping of the school district’s Internet Web presence.

Speaking of school names, the school district is accepting suggestions from the public on what name to give the new elementary school planned on Cyntheanne Road.  If you would like to submit your recommended name, use this link