A Story You Will Not Read Here, And A Decision I Must Make

Today was an important day in Fishers.  There was an announcement of a high-tech company planning to expand and locate in the downtown Nickel Plate District. It was a very positive story for the City of Fishers.  But you will not be reading any details about this story on LarryInFishers.com.

Here is the simple reason.  No one at the city bothered to inform LarryInFishers that any announcement of any kind was happening on October 2nd.  Lots of other people were informed.  The mayor, the governor and company officials were all there.  Most of the rest of the media were there.

I don’t want this to sound like sour grapes but I have worked for five years to build a credible, daily news update for Fishers because other media outlets have not been paying much attention to our fair town, later a city.  I am a retired guy that could be spending my time doing a lot of other things than writing about news in Fishers and posting podcasts with local people.  It takes work to do all this, but has so far been a labor of love for me.

When ignored by the city you try to cover and love so much, I am beginning to wonder whether this LarryInFishers.com endeavor is worth continuing.  So, this reporter has some soul searching to do on whether I continue this local news blog.

Once I reach a decision, I will let you all know