Fishers City Council Meetings Will Be Video Live-Streamed Soon

For many years, Fishers residents could view the old town council meetings by watching a live video stream provided on an Internet link through the municipal Web site. The audio and video equipment at City Hall, however, are aging and failing on a regular basis.  Video live-streaming has not been available for some time.

At a recent Fishers City Plan Commission meeting, the projector providing video to the screen view for the audience failed, while the screen facing the commission members, facing the opposite direction, was working.  The entire audience moved from their seats to the other side of the room in order to view the pictures of a proposal before the commission.

Mayor Scott Fadness said this is not what a city with a “tech-savvy” reputation should accept.

As a result, the Fishers Board of Public Works and Safety has approved a proposal to upgrade audio and video equipment at City Hall.

The new installation will replace the current projection screens with digital screens in the City Council Chambers as well as other locations in the building.  The cameras used for recording and live-streaming events in the chambers will go from the current analog technology to digital.

These upgrades mean Fishers City Council meetings and other events in the chamber will have the capability to once again provide live-streaming over the Internet, as well as archiving for future viewing at a later time.

The new equipment should be in place and operating by sometime in November, at the  latest, according to Fishers City Director of Information Technology Tracy Gaynor.

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