ADA Ramps To Be Removed, Re-Installed & Repaired Around Britton Falls

Tami Houston (left) looks on has her boss, Jeff Hill,, speaks before the board

The City of Fishers awarded a bid of $115,848 Friday to begin the work replacing and repairing ramps in the Britton Falls neighborhood to bring them up to compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).  The Fishers Board of Works and Public Safety approved the bid at the recommendation of the City Engineering Department.

The construction work will be done through September and October, with some work possibly finishing up in November, according to City Engineering Department Director Jeff Hill.

The money to pay for this project will come from the city’s surety fund.  “It’s not tax dollars that are being used, it’s what developers pay-in when things like this occur,” Mayor Scott Fadness said at the board meeting.

Also at Friday’s board session, City Assistant Engineer Tami Houston was recognized by the board for achieving the status of Certified Road Builder, a certification held by only 154 people in the State of Indiana.

It was announced at the board meeting that the city’s Assistant Director of Engineering, Jason Taylor, will be leaving the city to accept a position with the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT).  His last day working for the City of Fishers will be September 22nd.

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