About Those Downtown Brains

One artistic brain, places outside City Hall


You may have noticed artwork looking like human brains lately around Fishers City Hall and the downtown municipal complex.  You may have asked yourself why.

This is part of the second phase of the city’s Stigma Free Mental Health Initiative.  This artwork was commissioned by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor and created by artists from Bloomington, Indiana.  Each anatomically correct brain features a different function or area of the brain to promote brain health.

“Changing the stigma around mental health in Fishers continues to be a top priority for our team,” said Mayor Scott Fadness in a city news release. “This exhibit will help our community better understand how the brain functions while simultaneously helping to create an open, honest dialogue about mental health in Fishers.”

These artistic brains will be moved around the downtown Nickel Plate District throughout the summer, then will be placed around Hamilton Southeastern School buildings once school starts again in August.

You can learn more about the city’s Mental Health Initiative at this link.